1. Anchor Text
anchor text -> niche marketing
url -> http://nichetitans.com
This would be an example of anchor text used in a link to help rank this site http://nichetitans.com for ‘niche marketing’ in the search engines.
The Web Development Blog provides SEO tips, tricks and advice for Optimizing Websites, Internet Marketing, Google AdSense, Link Building, getting better search engine rankings for web designer and developers.
I recently came across a great and simple video which outlines how to conduct SEO copy editing as opposed to SEO copywriting.
SEO copy editing allows you to fix the existing copy on your website pages to include more key phrases in the copy. This will make the website friendlier to the search engines and users.
SEO copywriting, on the other hand, is where you start from scratch with the copy of the page. You must create content geared towards the customer including calls to action, tone and feel of the site, while also throwing in keywords and keyphrases for the search engines.
The key is to know when to use copy editing as opposed to copywriting. In the video, the presenter suggests to only edit copy on pages of your site that aren’t crucial to the sales process (do not edit your home page – you are better off starting from scratch and completely re-writing the copy). Pages on your site that might benefit from some copy editing are information pages such as FAQ’s, press releases or blog posts. While these pages are likely to be performing well now, they may do even better with some additional key phrases.
The video is present by SEO copywriter, Heather Lloyd-Martin. So without further ado, here is the video for you to learn more.
Every business owner wants Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to work for their site. However, the field is constantly changing, and it’s hard to know what advice is still valid.
Every day a new SEO myth is born and unfortunately, not all old SEO myths die off. To help you avoid some of the more common SEO and marketing pitfalls, here’s my list of the top 6 myths that you can safely steer clear of:
1. Don’t use Google Analytics because Google will spy on you and use the information against you : I think this idea comes from the conspiracy theorists who want you to believe Google is evil. Google has made numerous assurances that they aren’t using your traffic or conversion data. Mr Google himself, Matt Cutts, has gone on record to say his team doesn’t get access to Google Analytics, and the Google Analytics team doesn’t have access to their information. So they don’t use Google Analytics against anyone.
2. Having an XML Sitemap will boost your Google rankings : This is false. SEO expert Stephan Spencer suggests that Google won’t give a URL any more “juice” just because you include it in your sitemaps.xml, even if you assign a high priority level to it. Google will use your sitemaps file for discovery and potentially as a canonicalization hint if you have duplicate content.
3. Submitting your site to search engines increases your ranking : Submitting every page of your website in Google and Bing by using their submission forms will neither help you speed up the indexing nor improve your rankings. The search engines use web crawling technology that continually scans the Internet to find and rank pages.
4. PageRank determines ranking success: This is the most widespread myth in SEO. PageRank is a number which treats links like votes to determine how important a website is. However, it doesn’t have a direct correlation with search results, despite being calculated by several of the same signals.
Having a high PageRank is nice but it doesn’t automatically mean high rankings for everything, and it certainly doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to get tons of traffic and sales. More important is building a site which meets consumer needs. That means functionality, information, ease-of-use, and relevance.
5. No-follow links are useless: “No-follow” was introduced as a way of linking to something without passing any value onto the site. Although the traditional meaning of no-follow was that the search engine crawlers didn’t actually follow the link (ignore it and move on) that isn’t what actually happens.
The crawlers do follow no-follow links, and crawl the content, but they don’t always pass on value. This means that there is still value in the links, because they can increase crawl rate and indexation.
6. Keep a High Keyword Density : The search engines don’t care how long your pages are, there’s no specific number. The goes for keyword density. There is no magical number of keywords you should have on each page on your website, you have to use your judgment. Your copy should be persuasive, informative and punchy: you’ll only serve to limit your copy’s punch by simply stuffing keywords into the text.
There are plenty more myths that need to be debunked, and I’m sure our team will revisit this topic again in the future.
When there are too many versions of the same advice available, people often feel confused when it comes to deciding on which version is the right one. This applies especially to SEO. So the big question remains how can website owners crack the SEO code and make the most out of it?
The team at Bing has stepped up with a list of 18 SEO fundamentals for webmasters and website owners who want to optimize their sites for better rankings on Bing. This list includes some vital pieces of information that are useful, especially to all those who wish to set a firm foot in the SEO world and want to benefit from search marketing.
The list delves into some basic principles that will help anyone plan and put together a website from scratch or improvise an existing website, before actually marketing it on Bing.
Here is the full list:
The Do’s
Crawlability: Make sure your site is crawl able by using an XML sitemap, a robots.txt file, and well-structured on-site navigation.
Create an RSS feed.
Use schema.org markup.
Improve your site structure by using an HTML sitemap and linking to trusted sources both within your site and outside of it.
Create a solid content hierarchy by doing basic keyword research and avoiding placement of your content in rich media such as Silverlight and Flash.
Use a short meta title that has fewer than 65 characters and that’s unique to each page, and try to include the targeted keyword toward the beginning of that title.
Use a unique meta description tag.
Create quality content (following the guidelines Bing provided earlier).
When you build links, focus on keyword-relevant anchor tags that link back to quality content on your page.
Create a page that is user friendly. Page load time (PLT) is a crucial factor here as Bing states that website with PLT of ¼ second and above leads to loss of visitors.
Encourage social sharing with the use of social buttons.
The Dont’s
Don’t cloak your website.
Don’t use link farms.
Don’t engage in three-way linking.
Don’t duplicate content.
Don’t use auto-following on the social front.
Don’t use thin content.
Don’t buy links in bulk. Slow and steady link building is any time better than buying some hundreds of low quality back links.