
Friday, April 22, 2011

Best WordPress SEO Plug-ins for Small Businesses

In the world of computers everything gets an acronym and this one basically just means that your blog or website is set up in such a way that it is friendly to Google and the other major search engines. It allows the search engines to find your content and return your sites in their results when people search for things online.

If you are using a WordPress blog, which is what I recommend to all my clients, you have the benefit of a massive library of plugins to help you with your Search Engine Optimization. In the old days we had to do all of this by hand by going into the code of a site and changing things around. Now we have great plugins to help us.

Search Engine Optimization plugin is free and is easy to download from the WordPress site. When you download it you will need to go into the options page and make some minor setup changes and then every time you make a post or create a page on your site you will be able to list the keywords, create a summary description of the post and make keyword rich titles.

The next essential plugin that you should have is called XML sitemaps. This plugin allows you to create a sitemap for your blog that is friendly to the search engines. Site maps are very important because these are the quickest way for Google to index your site and learn what all is available from you.

We are much more inclined to watch a video than we are to read pages and pages of an eBook. So when you have photos on your site you need this plugin. This plugin will allow you to attach what is called metadata to each of the photos that you put up on your site. So if you have a photo that is associated with a post that you have made the photo will get the title and keywords associated with it as well.

This will allow this photo to show up in Google Photos and allows your blog to have better Search Engine Optimization in general. The plugin is called SEO Friendly Images and it is free.

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