1. Anchor Text
anchor text -> niche marketing
url -> http://nichetitans.com
This would be an example of anchor text used in a link to help rank this site http://nichetitans.com for ‘niche marketing’ in the search engines.
The Web Development Blog provides SEO tips, tricks and advice for Optimizing Websites, Internet Marketing, Google AdSense, Link Building, getting better search engine rankings for web designer and developers.
I recently came across a great and simple video which outlines how to conduct SEO copy editing as opposed to SEO copywriting.
SEO copy editing allows you to fix the existing copy on your website pages to include more key phrases in the copy. This will make the website friendlier to the search engines and users.
SEO copywriting, on the other hand, is where you start from scratch with the copy of the page. You must create content geared towards the customer including calls to action, tone and feel of the site, while also throwing in keywords and keyphrases for the search engines.
The key is to know when to use copy editing as opposed to copywriting. In the video, the presenter suggests to only edit copy on pages of your site that aren’t crucial to the sales process (do not edit your home page – you are better off starting from scratch and completely re-writing the copy). Pages on your site that might benefit from some copy editing are information pages such as FAQ’s, press releases or blog posts. While these pages are likely to be performing well now, they may do even better with some additional key phrases.
The video is present by SEO copywriter, Heather Lloyd-Martin. So without further ado, here is the video for you to learn more.
Every business owner wants Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to work for their site. However, the field is constantly changing, and it’s hard to know what advice is still valid.
Every day a new SEO myth is born and unfortunately, not all old SEO myths die off. To help you avoid some of the more common SEO and marketing pitfalls, here’s my list of the top 6 myths that you can safely steer clear of:
1. Don’t use Google Analytics because Google will spy on you and use the information against you : I think this idea comes from the conspiracy theorists who want you to believe Google is evil. Google has made numerous assurances that they aren’t using your traffic or conversion data. Mr Google himself, Matt Cutts, has gone on record to say his team doesn’t get access to Google Analytics, and the Google Analytics team doesn’t have access to their information. So they don’t use Google Analytics against anyone.
2. Having an XML Sitemap will boost your Google rankings : This is false. SEO expert Stephan Spencer suggests that Google won’t give a URL any more “juice” just because you include it in your sitemaps.xml, even if you assign a high priority level to it. Google will use your sitemaps file for discovery and potentially as a canonicalization hint if you have duplicate content.
3. Submitting your site to search engines increases your ranking : Submitting every page of your website in Google and Bing by using their submission forms will neither help you speed up the indexing nor improve your rankings. The search engines use web crawling technology that continually scans the Internet to find and rank pages.
4. PageRank determines ranking success: This is the most widespread myth in SEO. PageRank is a number which treats links like votes to determine how important a website is. However, it doesn’t have a direct correlation with search results, despite being calculated by several of the same signals.
Having a high PageRank is nice but it doesn’t automatically mean high rankings for everything, and it certainly doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to get tons of traffic and sales. More important is building a site which meets consumer needs. That means functionality, information, ease-of-use, and relevance.
5. No-follow links are useless: “No-follow” was introduced as a way of linking to something without passing any value onto the site. Although the traditional meaning of no-follow was that the search engine crawlers didn’t actually follow the link (ignore it and move on) that isn’t what actually happens.
The crawlers do follow no-follow links, and crawl the content, but they don’t always pass on value. This means that there is still value in the links, because they can increase crawl rate and indexation.
6. Keep a High Keyword Density : The search engines don’t care how long your pages are, there’s no specific number. The goes for keyword density. There is no magical number of keywords you should have on each page on your website, you have to use your judgment. Your copy should be persuasive, informative and punchy: you’ll only serve to limit your copy’s punch by simply stuffing keywords into the text.
There are plenty more myths that need to be debunked, and I’m sure our team will revisit this topic again in the future.
When there are too many versions of the same advice available, people often feel confused when it comes to deciding on which version is the right one. This applies especially to SEO. So the big question remains how can website owners crack the SEO code and make the most out of it?
The team at Bing has stepped up with a list of 18 SEO fundamentals for webmasters and website owners who want to optimize their sites for better rankings on Bing. This list includes some vital pieces of information that are useful, especially to all those who wish to set a firm foot in the SEO world and want to benefit from search marketing.
The list delves into some basic principles that will help anyone plan and put together a website from scratch or improvise an existing website, before actually marketing it on Bing.
Here is the full list:
The Do’s
Crawlability: Make sure your site is crawl able by using an XML sitemap, a robots.txt file, and well-structured on-site navigation.
Create an RSS feed.
Use schema.org markup.
Improve your site structure by using an HTML sitemap and linking to trusted sources both within your site and outside of it.
Create a solid content hierarchy by doing basic keyword research and avoiding placement of your content in rich media such as Silverlight and Flash.
Use a short meta title that has fewer than 65 characters and that’s unique to each page, and try to include the targeted keyword toward the beginning of that title.
Use a unique meta description tag.
Create quality content (following the guidelines Bing provided earlier).
When you build links, focus on keyword-relevant anchor tags that link back to quality content on your page.
Create a page that is user friendly. Page load time (PLT) is a crucial factor here as Bing states that website with PLT of ¼ second and above leads to loss of visitors.
Encourage social sharing with the use of social buttons.
The Dont’s
Don’t cloak your website.
Don’t use link farms.
Don’t engage in three-way linking.
Don’t duplicate content.
Don’t use auto-following on the social front.
Don’t use thin content.
Don’t buy links in bulk. Slow and steady link building is any time better than buying some hundreds of low quality back links.
Perhaps now more than ever, it’s time for you to use Twitter to build your audience and promote your business.
For those of you wanting to know how to use twitter more effectively for your business, here’s my top tips for making it work!
Focus on Your Target Market - The first step is to understand who your target audience is. Communicating and engaging with the wrong people is a waste of time and effort.
Acquire Twitter followers - Now that you know who you want to be engaging with, you need to get out there and start acquiring followers. A good place to start is the people in your industry that have large spheres of influence. They’ll have large groups of followers that you can follow to start the engagement. The larger your audience, the more likely you’ll find potential clients from your twitter marketing efforts.
Engage with Your Twitter Followers - Effective Twitter marketing is all about engagement! NOT just broadcasting! The best way to cut through the clutter is to start discussions, ad value to conversations and share information. Just “pushing out” content alone will see you lose your captive audience.
Engagement takes on various forms; at the very least ensure you’re replying to your mentions, answering questions, using hostages, mentioning others in your messages.
Build Authority - One of the bets parts of Twitter is how quickly you can build your perceived authority in an industry. With some selective following and sharing and commenting on poignant industry information, you can quickly build your personal or business profile in the twitter sphere.
Be Captivating - You have got 75 characters to get your point across…so dig deep and make sure you’re using your most persuasive writing skills to capture your audience’s attention. You need to make sure your content stands out from the clutter.
Be consistent - More often than not, small business owners go at hyper speed for 2 weeks, twitting 100’s of times a day and then give up, because they don’t get immediate results. The key with twitter is to be persistent and measured. It’s rarely an instant ROI marketing channel – so take your time and keep focused on the long term bigger picture.
Twitter is not a set and forgets marketing strategy, so don’t think it’ll be a silver bullet to your marketing needs…but with a well planned and strategic approach, it can really help you build your business.
Many of the things come in our mind when we talk about keyword selection for our website. we know that Keyword Density is a percentage of occurrence of keywords to the content in the rest of your website and should have a limit of keyword percentage in our content we write.
It’s very important for our main keywords to have in correct keyword density for getting good ranking in Search Engines. Because search engine work on keyword if we choose good keyword then they will found in first page of search engine. So the primary focus of our articles depends on keyword density these should have maximum 5% in our content word.
Type of keywords: There are two types of keywords in search engine first long tail keywords and short tail keyword. Everyone have confusion on Short tail vs. long tail keywords. They don’t know when they are preparing to optimize their own site on search engines.
Short tail keyword: This short tail keyword plays a vital role in search engine. Short tail depend on one or two word like ‘camera’ and ‘Sony camera’
Long tail keyword: Long tail keywords lead to higher conversions, easier to rank, more visitors to your website advantages of Long Tail Keywords.
Social search, as defined by Wikipedia, is “a type of web search method that determines the relevance of search results by considering the interactions or contributions of users.” Some marketers have claimed that social search is doing away with traditional search methods and that SEO is dead in the water because of it.
But social media and social search are not the magic bullet to online marketing needs. They are just one more piece in the growing arsenal of Internet marketing tools available to SEO professionals. SEO and social media should not exist in separate silos, vying for online dominance. In fact, SEO and social media marketing can be intertwined to create more online brand presence for companies than they could ever do alone.
Here are 3 examples of how social media and SEO work together-
When it comes to Facebook, many marketers will say that the more Likes your company page has, the better. While Likes are important, they are starting to be overshadowed by the number of Shares a piece of content has. Someone could like your Facebook page in order to get a promotional deal. Plenty of them will unlike your page just as fast and never bother to return. So what is a Like really worth? When someone Shares your content by posting it to their Facebook wall, they are broadcasting to their network (and the search engines) that this content is valuable in some way, whether it be informative or just interesting. The recent Facebook-Bing integration pulls this information into the search results when a user conducts a search and affects the SERP based on what that user’s social network has to say.
One of the main goals of SEO is to drive targeted traffic. Social networking is about connecting with your audience. When the two work together you’ll see a steady stream of well-targeted and engaged visitors coming to your site.
It has to be mentioned that social profiles should drive traffic back to the main site, not the other way around! Why would you want a potential customer to leave your site to like you on Facebook? Promoting your social profiles shouldn’t be a main goal of your site. Keep the “Connect with Us” buttons out of prime webpage real estate.
Social media and SEO professionals shouldn’t be squabbling over whose authority and practice is more important. The two disciplines are more closely related than you might think. When you combine your SEO and social media marketing, you’ll create a much more powerful and comprehensive online marketing strategy.
Pay Per Click is beneficial for driving immediate and relevant traffic to your website. A Pay Per click service would sustain traffic on an ongoing basis, or boost traffic during seasons relevant to your business. PPC is an Internet marketing strategy in which clients only pay for traffic they receive. Search Engine Optimization is a marketing strategy process of Improving the Traffic to a website from search engines by way of search result. Pay Per Click is basically an internet advertising tool used on search engines, advertising networks and content websites where advertisers only pay when a user clicks on an advertisement to visit the advertiser’s website.
PPC Optimization ensures that a Pay Per Click campaign is feasible and efficient and a PPC optimization company will review all aspects of the campaign. These aspects include campaign structure, Keywords and ad text, biding strategy and landing pages. With PPC Optimization, you are able to control and manage PPC and ensure that it is set-up properly.
Search Marketing or Pay per click (PPC) allows businesses to bid on targeted keywords on major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing in order to drive relevant traffic to their websites via click-through.
Search Engine Optimization, one is able to optimize your website for a number one search term but this is not of much use if traffic brought by a keyword is unable to convert. PPC allows you to find out which keywords convert before considering an SEO campaign. In addition, PPC optimization also makes finding which keywords work and which do not possible.
Another great advantage of combining PPC optimization and SEO is it offers greater speed. The combination also results in ones brand standing out on every search page and not just as the highest ranked increasing the exposure of a website. Effective pay per click campaigns begins with the account build, followed by landing page selection/creation and then the ongoing campaign optimization stage.
SEO is generally a free service, they require more time, effort and experience than a Pay Per Click campaign. Generating more traffic is the common goal of both campaigns and used together, a website can built a solid foundation on Search Engine Optimization and then incorporate pay per click advertising to target traffic towards it. The PPC optimization further enables successful conversion of traffic.
Social media is probably already a key part of your marketing strategy. But as many of you will attest, doing social media marketing effectively is a rather time consuming process. And when time’s a commodity that many small business owners lack, it helps to have tools to streamline the process.
Here is a short list of social media automation tools that will help you use your time better. My favorite free social media automation tools:
Social Oomph: This is a service that has a free version and a paid version that helps automate and schedule your social media. You can schedule your tweets; create a bigger Twitter profile and more. You’ll need the professional version to be able to schedule and post to your pages and profiles of Facebook.
Hoot suite: This is a fabulous tool to use for Twitter. You can pre-schedule your tweets, monitor keywords, and assign admins and more with this app. It integrates with other apps like Ping.fm too so it is a very useful tool.
Twitter feed: Twitter feed is not just a feed for twitter as the name might suggest. It’s a great way for you to syndicate content (that’s available in a feed) to your other social media profiles…e.g. your latest blog post shared on twitter, Facebook etc.
Gist: I’m only new to Gist, but it’s already proving very useful. Gist combines the information you provide into consolidated Gist profiles. The great thing about Gist is that you can program it to keep track of certain important contacts so that you can monitor them across their social networks and never miss making an important connection. It works online and in your Gmail and Outlook mail.
RSS: Combined with Google Reader RSS, which stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, is a very powerful time management tool so that you can read what you want, all on one page. It keeps you from having to move from site to site to read what is important to you. In addition, you can set it up with keywords combined with Google Alerts to monitor what people are saying about you.
Social media marketing is also widely used in concert with search engine optimization. Most of the internet marketing professionals make the serious mistake of excluding social media marketing from their SEO activities. Some online marketing guys also interpret social media marketing and social media optimization as the same, but the fact is that both are entirely different.
High Rankings can help you achieve them through an on-going SEO strategy performed in conjunction with a well-crafted social media marketing campaign. Some of the major advantages for SEO with an effective social media marketing program are listed below.
Branding: Social Media is one of the best platforms available to enhance your reputation and branding on the internet, provided it is carried out in the right and legitimate way. Remember, branding cannot be achieved overnight, but needs continuous effort and patience.
Get More Backlinks: Links to your site can do a lot for your search engine marketing efforts. They provide a stream of traffic both from people and from search engines. If your content is promoted well on the various social media channels, other webmaster might naturally link back to your content, which is considered as the indirect but the best way of getting backlinks through social media marketing. A linking strategy is vital for being found online and there are many ways to get plenty of links pointing to your site.
Traffic Generation: Traffic generation is another major benefit of social media marketing that is liked by most of the web marketers who are into social media marketing. A site that is marketed well in the social media platforms would be bringing you a large amount of instant and targeted traffic to your website.
Better Search Engine Performance: Social Media marketing is an amazing marketing strategy that helps in achieving a much better search engine performance for your website and it has been proved many times. Better search engine placement is important to the success of your website especially in top 10 search engine placement on engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Get More Targeted Traffic: There are many methods that people use to get free traffic, it is quite clear that one would be getting more targeted traffic on to his website. This aspect would certainly help and enhance the SEO campaign which is aimed at getting traffic from a targeted niche group.
Advanced SEO tips that are very useful to all the blogers will help you in giving some advanced SEO blogging tips. If you are aiming to raise your blog’s visibility, consider these following tips:-
Use SEO friendly blogging software: If you want to advance your blog site, you should use SEO friendly blogging software. There are many blogging software’s available in the market.
Be consistent: Update your blog site frequently. This will help the search engines in ranking your blog site. The minimum frequency of staying your blog site updated is three to four times a week. But, if you can update you blog site more often the better will be your rankings.
Make it interesting: Make sure that you are working on some interesting topics. Maintain the interesting attitude of your blog. This will keep the people in reading your blog to the last content.
Advanced planning: Plan your post in advanced. Think on the topic that you are going to write. Make some effective strategy and give importance to the keywords. Be reminded that the keywords must be important to the topic or your blog’s content.
Make use of headers and sub-headers: Use headers and sub-headers in organizing your content. But, the application of headers and sub-headers will vary to the theme of your blog.
Blog post and site categories: Write a series of blog posts to boost your page rank. Do not forget to make a landing page that will link your topic to all your blog post.
Inbound links: Inbound links or commonly known as “backlinks” are the links pointing to your site and search engines like Google like it when you have thousands of links pointing to your site but sometimes Google penalizes you for it too if you have poor quality and irrelevant backlinks pointing to your site.
Outbound links: This is very helpful for your blog, since by placing an outbound link you will recommend the reader to visit the other blog site which has more related information on the content or the article published at your blog.
Google recently announced the extension of two desktop ad formats to the mobile platform; Product Extension Ads and Product Local Ads.
Google currently offer two text ad sizes for mobile ads:
Google hopes these ads will help advertisers meet the requirements of mobile shoppers who are increasingly turning to mobile searches for all shopping related activities, from product info to comparing prices and locating the store as well.
Since most shoppers are searching for product information while they are in the store the ‘Product Extension Ads’ feature allows advertisers to easily display relevant product images and details in their search ads that will drive mobile shoppers to make a purchase. Advertisers can enable the Product Extension Ads feature by linking their
The Product Local Ads feature is an enhanced version of the Product Extension Ads, which helps users know the real time availability of a product in their nearby local stores in addition to the product image and price within the same mobile ad. 34% of the mobile shoppers, who are ready to make a purchase, use their phones to locate a store in an area. So advertisers can make good use of the Product Local Ads feature by making themselves visible on the search results with key information on the availability of their products.
Google’s, the Product Extensions Ads are currently available in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Australia on mobile devices with full Internet browser. The Product Local Ads are available in the
Google also announced three new ad formats specifically for iPad developers. Developers currently participating in the Adsense for Mobile Application beta program who reside in the
The ad formats which developers can display in their iPad apps are
Search Engine Optimization is a very common term like “Blogging” is used now days. Few years back SEO was unknown to 60% of people who use internet and by that time only some SEO professional companies used to optimize website. But now the things are changed, if you are a blog or website owner you can optimize your website and it will make lot of difference.
In this article you will see top 10 Effective SEO tips that make your blog more Search Engine Friendly.
Keywords: Keywords are very important factor in SEO. Collect some of the greatest and most accurate keywords from your blog and write it down or put it to notepad. Always use those keywords in your every new post at least once. If you have Google Webmaster account (If you don’t have, get one right away), try to fetch your most common keywords tracked by Google and note down. Use those in your next post. This habit makes your site always available in SERP.
Social Media Bookmarking: or SMO is another way to get your website popular as well as search engine ranking. Submitting your blogs to Social media gives you free traffic and from word of mouth your sites popularity also goes high. There are several Social Media Bookmarking plug-in available if you use Word Press for your blog, get one and start sending your blogs to web 2.0 websites right now.
Comments on Other Blogs: Collect some popular do-follow blogs and keep commenting on them, search for do-follow blogs using Google and add them to your list. Commenting on do-follow blogs gives you valued back links and also the good page rank from Google. Commenting only niche blogs also gives you high page ranks.
Topic Headline/Header: Your header (Post titles) of the topic in your blog works as a keyword, so always try to use great and SEO friendly headings. For example if you are going to write a how to article, then start with How-To…… , this is because your title already contains the keyword with “How-to” and in SERP it will be highlighted.
RSS feeds: Submit your RSS feed to feed submission websites. This makes your website always available for search engines and also gets you free traffic from those sites.
Update your website: Updating website is like you are feeding to hungry Search engines, publish articles frequently, and make sure after publishing you are doing Social Media submission also.
Blog Submission: There are several blog submission directories are ready to welcome you. Submit your blog and see the traffic flows. Submitting blogs to blog submitting sites also gives you page rank and free traffic.
Forums: Using forums to advertise your blog is another way to get your blog popular. Forums like digital point, Tech support guys and Microsoft support have options to use signature after each posting where you can leave a link to your blog, this gets you free back links and traffic. I mentioned only 3 of them but almost all forums let you have links to your website in signature area.
Guest Article: Writing Guest articles on other blogs will help you gain good page rank and traffic. Almost popular blogs lets its visitors to write guest articles on their blogs. In my blog also you can write guest posts. Please contact me here.
Content is King: Always make sure that, the contents on your blog are top most priority. Do not copy others articles. Google’s SEO TOC says if Google both finds a copied content then your blog is trashed.
I hope this article help someone to understand few key factors of Search Engine Optimization.
We help blogs in their promotion campaign by submitting their blog into high PR and latest launch blog directories. This helps blog in gaining PR and helps them in increasing their search engine ranking at a cheap price.
Blog Directories are just like Search Engine Optimization directories, only difference is that they accept blog instead of website. Our Directory main aim is to list every kind of free blog directory available on internet and helps users in promoting their blog.
Check out the list of free blog directories given below.
2) http://www.blogtoplist.com/
4) http://www.answers.com/main/new_blogger.jsp
7) http://www.bloggapedia.com/
8) http://www.blog-connection.com/
10) http://www.blog-search.info/
11) http://www.superblogdirectory.com/
15) http://www.superblogdirectory.com/
16) http://www.blogpulse.com/submit.html
17) http://portal.eatonweb.com/add.php
19) http://www.sarthak.net/blogz/add.php
20) http://www.blogged.com/directory/
22) http://www.myblogdirectory.net/
24) http://blogstreet.com/directory.html
27) http://www.highclassblogs.com/
29) http://www.blogdirectory.info/
32) http://blogit.a1weblinks.net/
34) http://www.topblogarea.com/
35) http://www.submitblognow.info/
36) http://www.freeadlists.com/classifiedads/
38) http://blog-collector.com/
39) http://food.totalblogdirectory.com/
40) http://www.topblogdirectory.info/
41) http://www.bloggingfusion.com/
44) http://findingblog.com/index.php
46) http://www.blog-gurus.info/
47) http://www.blogdumps.com/index2.php
49) http://www.freshlinkmedia.net
50) http://okayblog.net/directory/
SEO is similar to building a structure that will stand the test of time. A successful search engine optimization campaign requires a solid foundation to endure challenges from competitors and changes in search engine algorithms. If you want to have a successful SEO campaign for your website you should have an understanding of what are the things needed to be done, to achieve its success.
The optimization of the HTML elements on each page of the website is a critical factor in search engine optimization. Targeted search terms should be included in various places in the HTML code to tell the search engine crawlers what the page is about. The following elements must be optimized to allow for a successful SEO campaign.
Page Title: The page title (title tag) should include the targeted search terms and be a well written sentence that is 64 to 70 characters long. It should not be a string of keywords or one keyword phrase repeated several times. Remember that a good page title will not only be keyword targeted but also will entice a person to click on it in the search results.
Page Headings: The page heading should be formatted properly using H1, H2 and H3 tags and include the targeted search terms. Cascading Style Sheets can be used to format the heading to fit with the content of the webpage. H1 tags are meant to be used for the main page heading and should only be used more than once on a page where it makes sense. H2, H3 and other header tags can be used for content subheadings and headings to site navigation.
Image Alternate Text: Optimize Alt Attributes of images by including targeted keywords where the keywords have some relevance to the image. Alternate text should tell a website visitor what the image is. When optimized, the alternate text can help with keyword rankings for both the webpage and the image in image searches. Do not make your image Alt Attribute extremely long and keyword stuffed. Alternate text should be brief and relate well to the image.
Link Anchor Text: Site content should include links to other pages of the website that have keywords in the anchor text. Adding two or three keyword links into page content of 150 or more words is ideal. Do not fill the page content full of keyword links. Remember that linking in the content more than once to the same page will not give any additional SEO benefits.
A website with good quality content will be one step closer to getting top search engine rankings. The search engines are constantly trying to improve the quality of the search results. The one way to be sure to always be relevant when algorithms are updated is to provide content that search engines will consider high quality. That kind of content is not copied from other websites. It is unique and provides value to a site visitor. Writing guides, fact sheets, frequently asked questions, common misconceptions and practical use articles are all great ways to add good content to a website. Keep in mind that having great content will not only give the search engines a good idea of what the website is about but will also give other webmasters a good reason to link to your website.
Just about every business has a need for both online and offline marketing tools. Online marketing may consist of website, a blog, and social marketing efforts such as a Facebook page, Twitter account, and a LinkedIn presence. It is incredibly important for all marketing efforts have a unified look.
I have outlined seven handy tips that will help you to integrate both aspects of your business, and blur the line between your offline marketing and online.
1. Use the same messages and slogans: If you have a particular business slogan, or catch phrase, make sure it appears on any marketing that you do, whether it is offline or online. This will allow your marketing message to remain consistent across the board. If you have slogans running in specific offline campaigns, you can also have these appear on your website as the offline campaign is running.
2. Have a consistent look and feel: Your offline marketing should match with your website, and other online marketing. This can apply to colour schemes, logos, fonts on headings etc. Matching these up will keep your brand consistent, and make it easier for customers to recognize your business.
3. Incorporate your web address into all marketing activities: This sounds simple enough, but is commonly overlooked! By having your web address on everything, you dramatically increase the chance of website traffic, and sales leads. There is no point having a website if no one knows it is there!
4. Target the same customers: If you know your offline marketing is targeting a specific demographic, then you can match the online to hit them from both fronts. An example of this might be through specific targeting in AdWords, or targeting by age in Facebook advertising.
5. Use keywords in your offline messages: If you have specific keywords attached to your website that you are targeting, and trying to rank for, you can use these same keywords in the copy of your offline marketing. This will allow for a consistent message, and strengthen the relationship the keywords you are using has with your business.
6. Link offline advertising to online landing pages: Instead of having the standard URL of your webpage attached to an offline promotion, you can add a URL that when customers type in, will take them to a specific landing page that relates directly to the advertisement they have seen. Again this will provide a stronger correlation between what is being viewed offline, and what is being viewed online. The same message can be presented in two different formats.
7. Plan ahead: The key to matching your offline and online marketing is to make sure that your plans incorporate both together. If you focus on just one, you may find later on that you missed a great opportunity to leverage one side of the marketing to the other.
A key component of marketing is to ensure that everything remains consistent. Though there are great differences between offline marketing, and online marketing, the two provide the same benefits to the company; building your brand and getting your message out to customers.